Giving Adventurously: The Brecount Family
First things first - Camp W has the most incredible community. In my personal experience in working in non-profit for over 10 years, I’ve never seen such a committed, holy, sacrificial group of people behind a mission. We are incredibly lucky to have this true body of Christ sustain us year over year. The Lord always provides, but Camp Wojtyla has received an abundant grace from the gifts of our community.
Each year, we receive a testimony from a Camp Wojtyla family that contributes to our mission in one way or another- whether that be financially investing in helping us make saints, volunteering their time and talents, or those who fervently pray for the transformative experiences of our campers each year.
This year, we heard from the Brecount family in Ohio on how their gifts to Camp W have impacted not only their campers, but their entire family. We are deeply grateful for the blessings the Brecounts have bestowed upon us!
“I learned a long time ago that when my sister, who has been a Nashville Dominican for almost 25 years, recommends anything, I need to pay attention. We were on the phone during Christmas 2020 when she asked me, “Have you ever heard of Camp Wojtyla?. “Look it up,” she said. “Joseph would love it.”
Boy, did he ever.
I will never forget the effects of the high school boys’ alpine expedition on my son. Camp Wojtyla took him–then a rising junior–and changed his faith, peace, and confidence in ways that every family member acknowledged from the moment he stepped off the plane. Joseph was himself, only better. His first words upon landing home at 1 AM: “Mom and Dad, I’ve got to go back.”
Our college daughter Catherine took notice. Before I knew it, she was applying to be a counselor for the summer of 2022 and was elated to be accepted. Our high school daughter Mary wanted in on the action! She received a spot in the high school girls’ alpine expedition, and Joseph’s wish also came true: he received a spot to go back. And life for the Brecounts has never been quite the same since! Catherine got the best formation for life and vocation last summer that I’ve ever witnessed, and she will return again this summer. Our rising freshman, John, will also have his chance to attend camp in July!
What is it about this place?
“Camp Wojtyla brings together solid, excellent people at every level—leaders, seminarians, priests, sisters, college-age counselors—and casts them against the backdrop of gorgeous mountain vistas, far away from cell phone signals, outside pressures, and easy conveniences. That’s an enormous gift!”
But the more I’ve listened to my kids talk about their camp experience, the more I think the key to camp’s success is its hiring of young adults who are just a step up in age from the kids who participate.
These young adults are so fully alive in their faith and humanity that the kids can’t help but hope to be like them. My three oldest kids have all said the same thing: to meet and share life with young adults who are totally free and goofy, athletic, real, relatable, and normal–but also holy, good, well-mannered, and fully committed, sacrificially committed to their Catholic faith–is the biggest difference maker at camp. It’s the power of personal witness.
Since August 2022, Camp Wojtyla counselors have come through Ohio periodically to stay with us. So much contagious joy and goodness have been communicated in these visits that I feel like the roof of our house will blow off! My husband and I want what these young people have—a faith fully and joyfully alive in the Lord—and my children do, too. Would that the entire universal Church could come as alive as these young adults are!
I owe my Nashville Dominican sister a debt of gratitude for the best tip I think she’s ever given us. Camp Wojtyla has changed not just our kids who went to camp, but our entire family, filling our home with laughter, dancing, and camp songs, and also causing us to deepen in our commitment to the Lord, the Sacraments, and service.
To learn more about how you can contribute to the mission of Camp Wojtyla, please contact our Director of Engagement, Emily: