


For · ma · tion


We are all active members in the New Evangelization. Our ministry doesn’t stop during our summer programming in the wilderness. Our faith is continually being called to deepen and continue as we are away from the mountain. Our faith is especially being called to deepen amidst these difficult and uncertain times. We’ve gathered some tools together to help you grow in your spiritual life.


jesse tree 2025

Join Camp Wojtyla and Dr. Scott Powell as we follow the Church's ancient tradition of the Jesse Tree! Each day of Advent, we will share a 5-7 minute reflection on one person or event from Jesus's own family tree as we prepare for His birth. Come experience Advent with your whole family like never before!

unanswered prayers

Dr. Scott and Annie Powell discuss how to find meaning and comfort even when our prayers are not answered.

Should catholics care for the environemnt?

Dr. Scott Powell explores why caring for the world is essential, encouraging us to embrace our role as gardeners, to protect and cherish creation.


Finding Lasting peace

Annie Powell invites us to explore the ‘Four Harmonies’ as a path to achieving and sustaining peace in a world filled with turmoil and suffering.

Understanding the Virgin Mary

Join Dr. Scott Powell and Jeff Cavins as they journey through the events of Jesus’ life, as witnessed by Mary.

sunday school podcast

Sunday School is a Catholic Bible study podcast, presented by The Pillar. Join Pillar Editor-in-Chief JD Flynn as he learns about Scripture with Biblical Scholar Dr. Scott Powell. It’s accessible, it’s humorous, and incredibly formative for those looking to better understand the Bible.


is civil discourse dead?

Professors Robert George of Princeton University and Cornel West of Harvard University join Dr. Scott Powell, Director of the Aquinas Institute for Catholic Thought at CU for an honest conversation about friendship, faith, and the state of civil discourse across our nation’s political and cultural divides.

the call of discipleship

In 2014, Dr. Scott Powell gave a talk at the Catechetical Congress on our call to discipleship. We were made for relationship. Watch Scott’s talk on our call to have relationship with others!

coffee with camp

Coffee with Camp was created with you, our beloved community, in mind. Join us with your favorite beverage for discussions on mental, spiritual, physical and emotional well-being for you and your family.


faith and the environment

Watch a CSU Theology on Tap talk that Dr. Scott Powell gives on how our faith relates to the environment. As Catholics, what is our role? What is our relationship with creation?

talk at world youth day krakow, 2016

In 2016, our founding directors, Scott and Annie Powell flew across the pond to the land of our patron saint and namesake, Karol Wojtyla, also known as Pope Saint John Paul II. They spoke about the beauty of family, mission, and redemptive suffering at World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland.

life on the rock interview

Watch Fr. Mark from EWTN’s show Life on the Rock interview our founding directors about Camp Wojtyla!


FORMED, a catholic streaming platform

FORMED provides more Catholic filled content! If you search for “Powell” you might find some familiar faces. Some parishes provide a code that allows you access the content. If not, we think this is a great resource that is worth the investment.



Com · mun · ity

We were made by relationship and for relationship. When God created the world, He established the four harmonies with mankind: with Himself, with creation, with ourselves, and with others. We were not made to walk this journey alone. Join our virtual community!



Community is sustained through prayer. Our staff prays a daily Divine Mercy Chaplet. Join us in prayer, or send us your prayer requests!

our litany of saints

We’re all striving for sainthood. We have sixteen patron saints praying alongside us at Camp Wojtyla. These amazing men and women are examples of how to follow in the footsteps of Christ. Befriend our patron saint friends!

social media

Join the Camp Wojtyla family by following us on social media platforms.


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