For · ma · tion
We are all active members in the New Evangelization. Our ministry doesn’t stop during our summer programming in the wilderness. Our faith is continually being called to deepen and continue as we are away from the mountain. Our faith is especially being called to deepen amidst these difficult and uncertain times. We’ve gathered some tools together to help you grow in your spiritual life.
Com · mun · ity
We were made by relationship and for relationship. When God created the world, He established the four harmonies with mankind: with Himself, with creation, with ourselves, and with others. We were not made to walk this journey alone. Join our virtual community!
W o j t y l a
C h a n n e l
We love creating videos to help bring a piece of our mission to you.
We hope you enjoy watching (or re-watching) some of our favorite pieces that remind us that