
The word “Yay!” is most often thought of as an exuberant shout of joy and triumph. When you’re on the mountain at Camp Wojtyla, the word “Yay” is synonymous with a task to undertake, something that must be done in order to make camp run smoothly. “Yays”, are carried out in order to ensure that every camper has an amazing experience on the mountain. 

The exuberant joy at Camp comes from the fact that every “Yay” is an opportunity for one staff member to serve one’s fellow staff and campers. It is a chance to serve our brothers and sisters in the greater body of Christ. The servant leadership team (aka counselors and Sherpa) is there to live out that service to one another and our Lord. There is never a shortage of “yay’s” to be done, day in and day out. Therefore, there is always an opportunity to grow in virtue and discover the joy that comes from giving. 

While life on the mountain offers incredible beauty, authentic friendships, and a sense of freedom that is unparalleled, it is true that this life can also be difficult.  And for that we say, “Yay!” Camp W pulls us out of our comfortable lifestyle. Camp Wojtyla intentionally keeps a thin veil between camper and creation. There are fewer barriers blocking us from experiencing the true love of God while at Camp Wojtyla. It is true that other camps may have more luxurious sleeping arrangements, or better toilets, but it is in this simplistic lifestyle where true goodness and beauty are found.  In the struggles, and in the moments of joy, we can see clearly the workings of the Lord in our life. 

We all have “yay’s” to carry out in our lives. Joyful service is what we are each called to. Camp Wojtyla desires to help young people become saints and live their life to the full as our Lord has called us. Saint Mother Teresa reminds us of the paradox as she says, “if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” Through the goodness and beauty of outdoor living on the mountain, and service to one another, campers truly experience God’s love while at Camp Wojtyla.

We know your day is filled with “yays” too. Today, you have a special yay. Your “yay”  is to prayerfully consider supporting this great mission. Yes, it may mean some discomfort. Yes, it may be difficult. Just like at camp, we are asking you to embrace the challenge, embrace this “yay”, and give with a generous heart.  

Amid all of the “yays” in your life, thank you for giving generously, as so many staff and campers do every year to make this experience truly transformative. Thanks for tackling this “yay” with joy and giving so that others may experience the true joy of self gift. We hope your giving brings you joy as well. Your generous gift to camp indeed makes us all say, Yay!

To learn more about giving to Camp Wojtlya, click here.

Did you know Colorado residents can take advantage of the CO Child care tax credit when supporting Camp w? Learn more about this tax advantage here!

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