How to Sign Up for

Camp Wojtyla

We invite your child to come experience life to the full at Camp Wojtyla!

Learn how below!


The Camper Registration Lottery

Runs each October on the 12th through the 26th


Because camper demand often exceeds our capacity, we use a lottery system each fall to select the campers who’ll participate in our upcoming summer sessions. When our lottery registration window opens at noon (MT) each October 12th, our lottery entry form will be accessible from our Home Page. When the lottery closes at noon on October 26th, we’ll use our digital lottery software to randomly select the campers who will be added to our sessions.

Lottery winners are notified of program assignments and given online registration instructions in mid-November. Campers who are not selected from the lottery will be automatically assigned to a priority waitlist.


Missed the lottery?

Our registration waitlist opens when the lottery closes and runs through July 1.


Families who miss the lottery may join our registration waitlist. If we are unable to fill a session with our lottery participants, or if a registered camper has a change in plans, we pull from this list to fill the vacant spot. Parents or guardians will be notified by email when a camper spot opens up for their child.


Before adding your child to our lottery or registration waitlist, we strongly encourage you to do the following:

  • Click HERE to explore our program descriptions and determine which of our exciting programs will be the best fit for your child!

  • Visit our Health and Safety page to learn more about our recommended fitness levels, as well as our health and safety expectations and procedures.

Our Camper Registration Lottery and Waitlist are currently closed.

Please come back when the Lottery opens on October 12th!

Dear young people, let yourselves be taken over by the light of Christ, and spread that light wherever you are.
— Pope Saint John Paul II

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